Welcome to myCV!

Registering New Visitors

1. Open the camera on the iPad you received and scan the QR code on the Career Pass.

2. Click the pop-up window to link them to the jobs you've uploaded to your microsite. You can also add comments and rate candidates using stars.

Important! Don't forget to save at the end, because only then will the profile be registered!


You can view the list of job seekers you have already registered at any time during the event by checking the “Saved Visitors” section.
You will be able to download candidates in the evening of the 2nd day of the event. Once the download is activated, the primary contact will be notified by email.

Downloading Data

You'll find the list of registered visitors under “Downloads” during the event.

This interface will be activated the day after the event, of which you will be notified about by e-mail.

You can download the data of the recorded visitors in two formats:

  • Downloading individual users - one by one.
  • As a database in .XML and .CSV formats.
  • As an Excel spreadsheet with all available data - excluding CV.
  • All applicants' materials as a package file - for circular letters.

The main organiser of the event:

5 March 2025 (Wednesday) 10 am - 7 pm

6 March 2025 (Thursday) 10 am - 5 pm

BOK "A" Hall

(Budapest, Dózsa György út 1 .)

Jobverse.hu @ All right reserved.