The organizer of JOBVERSE Job Fair (hereinafter referred to as JOBVERSE), namely Frissdiplomás Personal Consultancy and Service Ltd. (short name: Frissdiplomás Kft., registered office: 1037 Budapest, Lángliliom u. 2. building 13. 1., tax number: 13777157-2-41, company registration number: 01-09-872621, hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer”) guarantees that the personal and other data of the users who come into contact with it (job seekers, interested parties and users of its websites participating in the JOBVERSE Job Fair, hereinafter referred to as the “User” or “Users”) will be treated confidentially and in full compliance with the applicable laws and recommendations, in particular with regard to the following:

  • Act CXIX of 1995 on the processing of name and address data for the purposes of research and direct marketing,
  • Act VI of 1998 on the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data,
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on electronic commerce and information society services,
  • Act CXII of 2011 on the Right to Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information (Act on Freedom of Information).
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

I. Data processing by Organizer

  1. Subscribe to notifications

Scope of the data processed

Last name
First name
E-mail address
Phone number (optional)

Purpose of the processing

Notify the User of news, programmes, exhibitors, opening of registration or application for the event, related to JOBVERSE, to the contact details provided by the User.

Duration of processing

Without validating your email address for 90 days. Once the e-mail address has been validated, until it is canceled, i.e. until the User unsubscribes from the service provided for in this clause, which he/she may do by clicking on the unsubscribe button in any email sent to him/her, and may request the deletion of his/her data from the Organizer by writing to the e-mail address he/she used to register for the service.

Legal basis for processing

User’s voluntary consent

Data Controller

Fresh Graduates Ltd.
1037 Budapest, Lángliliom u. 2. 13. ép. 1.

Data processors

The data processor is responsible for sending the newsletter and therefore processes the names and e-mail addresses of Users on behalf of the Organizer:

Wanadis Ltd.
1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 153.

 2. Registration

Scope of the data processed

Last name
First name
E-mail address
Phone number
Year of birth
Area of interest and job search
Highest level of education
Level of professional experience
Language skills (optional)
LinkedIn profile link (optional)
Application material (CV(s), cover letter, etc.) (optional)

Purpose of data processing

Supporting users in their career development, providing them with job, internship and training opportunities, sending job offers and training opportunities according to their preferences, and recommending programmes and events to support their job placement, job change and career development.

To ensure the operation and services of JOBVERSE as a platform for job search and career development by enabling the User to.

✔     obtain information on any of the JOBVERSE exhibitors,

✔     to contact and interact with any JOBVERSE exhibitor,

✔     to apply to any of the JOBVERSE exhibitors,

✔     participation in lectures, counseling and other programmes to support job and career development.

The User may participate in and use the services of any JOBVERSE organized at the same time as or after registration.

Users may receive training prior to JOBVERSE, typically, but not exclusively, in the form of a series of training e-mails and/or videos, downloadable content (e.g. e-book, video, podcast), in order to fully use the JOBVERSE services, plan which exhibitors to visit, review and save relevant jobs, internships and/or training opportunities from the offers uploaded by exhibitors, etc.

If the User is under 31 years of age, in order to support his/her job search and career development, his/her data will be placed in the database of the job portal for trainees and young professionals created and operated by the Organizer, available at

Job search support services may be canceled separately as described in the individual privacy notice ( Privacy Notice) and may also be withdrawn in one go.

Duration of processing

Without validating your email address for 90 days. Once the e-mail address has been validated, until it is canceled, i.e. until the User unsubscribes from the service provided for in this clause, which he/she may do by clicking on the unsubscribe button in any email sent to him/her, and may request the deletion of his/her data from the Organizer by writing to the e-mail address he/she used to register for the service.

Legal basis for processing

User’s voluntary consent

Data Controller

Fresh Graduates Ltd.
1037 Budapest, Lángliliom u. 2. 13. ép. 1.

Data processors

He is responsible for the development of the website and client gateway, and as such manages all data on behalf of the Organizer:

Webery Digital Agency kft.
Budapest, Frankel Leó út 45, 1023

The data processor is responsible for sending the newsletter and therefore processes the names and e-mail addresses of Users on behalf of the Organizer:

Wanadis Ltd.
1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 153.

3. Lottery(s)

Scope of the data processed

Email address
Phone number

Purpose of data processing

Identifying the User participating in the sweepstakes, delivering the guaranteed prize to the User, if the User is the winner of the sweepstakes, notifying the User of the prize and arranging the collection of the prize. If the order of the participants in the game is published, only the first name of the person who cannot be identified will be displayed.

The purpose of the data processing will also be set out in the rules of the relevant competition.

Duration of processing

The Organizer is entitled to store the data until the end of the competition, i.e. until the prize is received.

Legal basis for processing

the User’s consent

Data Controller

Frissdiplomás Kft.
1037 Budapest, Lángliliom u. 2. 13. ép. 1.

Data processors

They are responsible for the development of the website and client gateway, and as such manages all data on behalf of the Organizer:

Webery Digital Agency kft.
Budapest, Frankel Leó út 45, 1023

The data processor is responsible for sending the newsletter and therefore processes the names and e-mail addresses of Users on behalf of the Organizer:

Wanadis Kft.
1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 153.

The responsible for the development and operation of the JOBVERSE GO game software, and in this capacity manages the entire range of data on behalf of the Organizer:

Flinkit Kft.
2000 Szentendre, Pismány utca 20.

4. Using the job portal

Scope of the data processed

Data provided at registration

Purpose of the processing

The User under the age of 31, with the data provided during registration, becomes entitled to use the job portal for trainees and career starters, created and operated by the Organizer at the address In order to make the job search even more efficient, an active user profile will be created on the job portal After logging into your profile, you will be able to edit and delete your data, as well as declare the type of mail you wish to receive.

Duration of processing

Until the consent is withdrawn, i.e. until the User deletes his/her profile or requests the deletion of his/her profile by the Organizer. The User has the possibility to withdraw his/her consent in part, i.e. he/she may also withdraw his/her consent for individual services.

Legal basis for processing

User’s voluntary consent

Data Controller

Frissdiplomás Kft.
1037 Budapest, Lángliliom u. 2. 13. ép. 1.

Data processors

They are responsible for the development of the website and client gateway, and as such manages all data on behalf of the Organizer:

Webery Digital Agency kft.
Budapest, Frankel Leó út 45, 1023

He is responsible for the development of the website and client gateway, and as such manages all data on behalf of the Organizer:

CreatIT Solutions Ltd.
6724 Szeged, Körtöltés u. 59.

The data processor is responsible for sending the newsletter and therefore processes the names and e-mail addresses of Users on behalf of the Organizer:

Wanadis Ltd.
1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 153.

The Organizer undertakes to use the above data only for the purposes previously approved by the User and not to disclose them to third parties under any circumstances without the prior written consent of the User (except for the exceptions provided for by law).

The processed data is stored on servers in Germany and the operator of the servers has no access to the processed data.

II. Production of cinematographic and standing image recordings at JOBVERSE

Cinematographic and standing image recordings (videos) are being taken at JOBVERSE.  By accepting this Privacy Policy and by entering JOBVERSE, the Users have actively consented to the publication of photos and videos of any kind which may be taken of themselves at JOBVERSE, and also to the usage and utilization free of charge by the Organizer, the exhibitors of JOBVERSE and media representatives. Photos and videos taken at JOBVERSE may appear in the media, on the website of the Organizer and any exhibitor, on social media platforms, in the prospectus and advertising of JOBVERSE, and on other platforms presenting JOBVERSE indefinitely without payment of any consideration.

III. Data transmission


By JOBVERSE, as a platform for job search and career development, the Organizer allows the User to apply for job vacancies, internships, other job advertisements or (further) training opportunities from any JOBVERSE exhibitor.

When logging in to JOBVERSE, the Organizer provides a QR code for every User, and informs him/her about its function. By reading this QR code, the User is given the opportunity to apply for the offers detailed herein.

The application is made through the User’s active behavior in this respect by allowing the exhibitor to scan his/her unique QR code with QR code reader.

By this active behavior (by submitting or presenting your code for scanning), you expressly consent to.

  • the exhibitor to whom you have submitted your application in this way can download your registration details (including your CV, covering letter and other application documents uploaded during registration), and in their knowledge can approach you with offers related to work or supporting your carreer.
  • The Organiser to allow the Exhibitor to retrieve this data from the password-protected, locked client portal and use it to contact the User. 

Scope of the data processed

The data provided at registration and the CV, photo uploaded to the profile

Purpose of data processing

Providing applications for user jobs, internships, training, and other career building programs or services.

Duration of processing

1 year after the JOBVERSE has taken place. After this period, the exhibitor of JOBVERSE may only process the data of the User, if within 1 year after the JOBVERSE has taken place the User has specifically consented to this, has gotten to know and accepted the privacy policy of the Data Controller.

Legal basis for processing

User’s voluntary consent

Data Controller

The Exhibitor of JOBVERSE, to whom the User has given his/her data with his/her active consent.

The Organizer obliges the Exhibitors, in the General Terms and Conditions bindingly accepted by the Exhibitors, to delete the personal data of all applicants who have not given their consent to further data processing within 1 year after the JOBVERSE has been held.

IV. General data processing principles

The provision of data by users is voluntary for all purposes of data processing and is based on the knowledge of the purpose of data processing.

Based on your registration data, a profile with a unique identifier is created for you. Based on the User’s consent as detailed in Section 2, the data stored in his/her profile may be given by JOBVERSE only to those exhibitors to whom the User has given permission. The User may do this by allowing the exhibitor to scan his unique QR code, which he received when he logged into JOBVERSE.

JOBVERSE exhibitors make their own privacy policy publicly available on their microsite to be accessed and known by users, which governs the processing of data beyond JOBVERSE for applications to that exhibitor.

The personal and other data provided and the services requested may be modified, deleted individually or in combination, and the services requested may be canceled at any time. In addition, in the case of e-mail notifications, the User has the possibility to unsubscribe from this type of notification with a single click on the “unsubscribe” link in the footer of the e-mail.

The Organizer undertakes to use the data provided solely for the purposes of the service chosen by the User and in accordance with the User’s consent.

The Organizer will do its utmost to ensure that its database and its use is technically secure and that unauthorized persons cannot access, alter or delete the User’s personal data. The Organizer undertakes to send up to one informative letter to the User, offering him the possibility to use the new service, in order to present his activities and services for the purpose of the new data processing by the User, i.e. for his job and career development.

The Organizer reserves the right to disclose non-personal statistical data collected from its Users and customers in accordance with the applicable legal provisions. The Organizer will take particular care to ensure that the data it makes public cannot be used to identify the Users providing the data.

The Organizer’s contracts and cooperation agreements with partners using its services place great emphasis on full compliance with data protection legislation by both parties. The Organizer’s partners and customers undertake to handle Users’ data in accordance with the law.

The Organiser does not collect personally identifiable genetic and biometric data or data revealing membership of a national or ethnic minority, political opinion or party affiliation, religious or other beliefs, membership of an interest group, health, addictions, sex life or sexual orientation, criminal record. If the Organiser becomes aware that the User has provided any of the above-mentioned special data in any of the systems operated by the Organiser, the Organiser will delete such data without delay. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the registration of a User who has provided special data in violation of applicable laws.

The Organizer reserves the right and undertakes the obligation to unilaterally amend the content of this Privacy Policy in accordance with the provisions of the law in force from time to time.

All data processed by the Promoter is subject to this Privacy Policy.

Placement and purpose of “cookies” and “web beacons”

During the use of the Services, the Organizer may install small data files (cookies) on the User’s computer, including data that cannot be directly linked to the User, for the purposes of data recording, identification of the User, facilitating the User’s further visits, increasing the effectiveness of the service, delivering targeted advertising or other targeted content to the User or market research. The data obtained by the Organizer as a result of the use of data files will not be linked by the Organizer to the identification data of the User. Session cookies are automatically deleted at the end of the time limit set in the cookie.

On websites operated by the Organizer, cookies are used by Google Analytics and are governed by Google’s privacy policy (

You have the following options regarding cookies:

  • you can set to be notified when an Organizer wishes to place a cookie on your computer,
  • you can opt out of receiving cookies at any time.

In this context, it should be noted that failure to accept cookies may result in certain pages or functions not functioning properly. Further information on cookies is available at

For the above purposes, the Organizer may insert third-party web beacons (also known as web bugs) into the websites it operates in order to provide the Services. A web beacon is an image embedded in a web page that can be used to track visits to the website. This information is also known as “clickstream data”. This data can be used to analyze visitor behavior to improve the quality of the website or to better target advertising. Web beacons are similar in function to cookies and are used to track the User’s online movements. The main difference between the two is that web beacons are not visible on the page. In addition, the User does not have the possibility to block the downloading of web beacons in his browser, unlike cookies. For more information on web beacons, please visit

Users arriving and registering on websites operated by the Organizer through a media partner link will be uniquely identified in order to verify the agreement with the media partner. The following data will be recorded during the identification process:

  • the URL of the media partner’s website from which the User has navigated
  • the URL with the measurement code you clicked on to reach the page

The Organizer undertakes to use the data stored in this way solely for statistical purposes and to verify agreements with media partners, and not to identify the User.

V. User rights in relation to data management

a.) Right to information:

The User has the right to be informed of the information related to the processing of his/her data prior to the start of the processing activity.

b.) Right of access:

The User has the right to request at any time information about the personal data concerning him/her processed by the Organizer and to modify them at any time in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Upon User’s request, the Organizer shall provide information about the data processed by it, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the processing, as well as about who has received or received the data and for what purpose. The Organizer shall provide the requested information in writing within 15 days of the request.

You can exercise your rights by contacting:
Postal address: 1037 Budapest, Lángliliom u. 2. 13. ép. 1.

The User may contact the Organizer with any questions or comments regarding data management via the above contact details.

c.) Right to rectification:

The User is entitled to request the rectification of incorrectly recorded data at any time. The User may correct the majority of his/her data on the Websites himself/herself; in other cases, the Organizer will correct the data within 3 working days of receiving the request. Any modification or deletion of the data will not be recoverable.

The User may modify the data provided during registration at any time in his/her user account, and may request the correction of his/her data by sending an email to

d.) Right to erasure:

You have the right to request the deletion of your data at any time:

  • by email to,
  • by clicking on the link in the footer of any email sent to you, or
  • you can delete your data after logging into your user profile via the websites.

e.) Instead of deletion, personal data will be blocked if the User so requests or if it is assumed that deletion would violate the User’s rights or legitimate interests. The blocked personal data may be processed only for as long as the purpose of the processing, which precludes the deletion, persists.

f.) Right to restriction of processing:

The User has the right to have the data processing limited by the Organizer at his/her request if he/she contests the accuracy of the personal data (in this case, the limitation applies for the period of time that allows the Organizer to verify the accuracy of the personal data); the processing is unlawful and the User opposes the deletion of the data and instead requests the limitation of their use; the Organizer no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but the User requires them for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

g.) Notification obligations relating to rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing:

The Organizer will inform any recipient to whom or with whom the personal data have been disclosed of the rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort.

h.) Right to data portability:

The User has the right to request the deletion of his/her data and their direct transfer to another service provider designated by him/her at the email address Our organizing staff has a maximum of 30 days to comply with the request.

i.) Right to exemption from automated decision-making:

The User has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which would have legal effects concerning him or her or significantly affect him or her.

j.) Right to object:

The User has the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to the processing of his or her personal data in the exercise of official authority or in the public interest, or to the processing necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Organizer or a third party (processing based on Article 6(1)(e) or (f) of the GDPR), including profiling based on the aforementioned provisions. In this case, the Organizer may no longer process the personal data, unless the Organizer proves that the processing is justified by compelling legitimate grounds which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the User or are related to the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

k.) Right to lodge a complaint and seek redress: the
User has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority
under Article 77 of the GDPR if the User considers that the processing of personal data concerning him/her infringes the GDPR. The User may exercise his/her right to lodge a complaint by contacting the following contact details:

National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information Address: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11., postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 9. Phone: +36 (1) 391 1400, +36 (30) 683 5969, +36 (30) 549 6838; Fax: +36 (1) 391-1410 www: email:

In addition to the above, the User may object to the processing of his/her personal data if:

  • the processing or disclosure of personal data is necessary for the fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the Organizer is subject or for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Organizer, the data subject or a third party, except in the case of mandatory processing;
  • if the personal data are used or disclosed for direct marketing, public opinion polling or scientific research purposes;
  • and in other cases specified by law.
    The Organizer shall examine the objection within the shortest possible time from the submission of the request, but not later than 15 days, shall decide on its validity and shall inform the User in writing of its decision.

The above entitlements are detailed in sections 14-22 of the Infotv. In the event of a violation of his/her rights or in other cases provided for in the Infotv., the user may take legal action (Art. 23 Infotv.). The court of law has jurisdiction to decide on the action. At the User’s option, the action may also be brought before the court of the User’s domicile or residence.

VI. Responsibility of the User

If the User has provided third party data during registration or caused damage in any way during the use of the services, the Organizer is entitled to claim damages from the User. In such a case, the Organizer shall provide all reasonable assistance to the competent authorities in order to establish the identity of the offending person.

VII. Exhibitor details

Exhibitor contact details displayed on JOBVERSE interfaces are for communication with applicants and are for career enquiries only. The use of contact details for the purposes of business offers and enquiries is strictly prohibited. In case of use of exhibitor data for non-career purposes, i.e. to apply for jobs, internships or to training opportunities or to request information in connection with these, the Organizers are entitled to pursue legal claims against the wrongdoer, including in particular damages.

Budapest, 2022.06.02.

The main organiser of the event:

2 October 2024 (Wednesday) 10 am - 7 pm

3 October 2024 (Thursday) 10 am - 5 pm

BOK "A" Hall

(Budapest, Dózsa György út 1 .) @ All right reserved.