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What do we do?

futurenet is a job application platform invented to support the companies from the Black Forest Power Region in South-West Germany in their employer branding and recruiting activities. futurenet recruits employees from all over the world to work for the biggest and most innovative companies in the region. futurenet is part of the Black Forest Power Region brand family. The main brand "nectanet" brings together 200 leading companies and 50 cities & municipalities to empower and promote the regional development of the Black Forest Power Region. nectanet is a non-profit organisation.

Recent job offers

  • Where do we work?​
Our organisation and our companies are situated in the beautiful Black Forest Power Region in Baden-Württemberg. The Black Forrest Power Region is highly robust economic region in Germany. Many top companies contribute significantly to annual economic growth. The Black Forest Power Region offers a wide range of leisure activities. Visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, and water sports in numerous lakes or the Rhine River, as well as culinary delights in some of Germany’s best restaurants.

  • Our recruitment process​
futurenet brings togather the largest employer in the region. Applicants can reach the 200 leading comapnies in the Black Forest Power region with a single appication to futurenet. The application is visible for the HR departments and it is the company, which contacts candidate suitable for its open positions. Thus the candidate can by reached out by more than one company.
  • What can you expect from us at the event?
We are waiting for you with interesting job offers from our Black Forest Power Region. Stop by and discover the latest opportunities in this dynamic region!

Why should you work with us?

What can you expect?

Job opportunities in companies of varying sizes, from mid-sized family businesses to renowned global market leaders. These companies value their employees and offer limitless opportunities for career development. The working conditions are excellent and the companies are highly modern and challenging.

What you won't find?

Our member companies do not make false promises, use complex corporate structures, or succumb to short-term performance pressures.
There is no hire and fire policy.

Avoid troublesome correspondence. Get your career going with just a few clicks.

Get a glimpse of our everyday life!​

Contact info​

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A rendezvény főszervezője:


2025. március 5. (szerda) 10-19 óra

2025. március 6. (csütörtök) 10-17 óra

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